/*************************************************************************************************************** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| custom script for medi plus |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| **************************************************************************************************************** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| table of content |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| **************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************** 1 revolutionslideractiver 2 gallerymasonarylayout 3 accrodion 4 teamcarosule 5 testicarosule 6 counternumberchanger 7 stickyheader 8 contactformvalidation 9 selectinput 10 datepicker 11 gmap 12 mobilemenu **************************************************************************************************************** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| end table of content |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ****************************************************************************************************************/ "use strict"; // 1 revolutionslideractiver function revolutionslideractiver () { if ($('.rev_slider_wrapper #slider1').length) { $("#slider1").revolution({ slidertype:"standard", sliderlayout:"auto", delay:5000, navigation: { arrows:{enable:true} }, gridwidth:1170, gridheight:770 }); }; } // 2 gallerymasonarylayout function gallerymasonarylayout () { if ($('.img-masonary').length) { $('.img-masonary').isotope({ layoutmode:'masonry' }); } } // 3 accrodion function accrodion () { if ($('.accrodion-grp').length) { $('.accrodion-grp').each(function () { var accrodionname = $(this).data('grp-name'); var self = $(this); self.addclass(accrodionname); self.find('.accrodion .accrodion-content').hide(); self.find('.accrodion.active').find('.accrodion-content').show(); self.find('.accrodion').each(function() { $(this).find('.accrodion-title').on('click', function () { if ($(this).parent().hasclass('active') === false ) { $('.accrodion-grp.'+accrodionname).find('.accrodion').removeclass('active'); $('.accrodion-grp.'+accrodionname).find('.accrodion').find('.accrodion-content').slideup(); $(this).parent().addclass('active'); $(this).parent().find('.accrodion-content').slidedown(); }; }); }); }); }; } // 4 teamcarosule function teamcarosule () { if ($('.team-carousel').length) { $('.team-carousel').owlcarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, nav: true, dots: false, navtext: [ '', '' ], autoplay: true, autoplaytimeout: 3000, autoplayhoverpause: true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 }, 1000:{ items:3 }, 1200:{ items:4 } } }); } } // 5 testicarosule function testicarosule () { if ($('.testimonaials-carousel').length) { $('.testimonaials-carousel').owlcarousel({ loop: true, margin: 50, nav: false, dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplaytimeout: 3000, autoplayhoverpause: true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 1000:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:3 } } }); } } // 5 testicarosule function testicarosule1 () { if ($('.testimonaials-carousel1').length) { $('.testimonaials-carousel1').owlcarousel({ loop: true, margin: 50, nav: false, dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplaytimeout: 3000, autoplayhoverpause: true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 1000:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }); } } // 6 counternumberchanger function counternumberchanger () { var timer = $('.timer'); if(timer.length) { timer.appear(function () { timer.countto(); }) } } // 7 stickyheader function stickyheader () { if ($('.stricky').length) { var strickyscrollpos = 100; if($(window).scrolltop() > strickyscrollpos) { $('.stricky').removeclass('fadein animated'); $('.stricky').addclass('stricky-fixed fadeindown animated'); } else if($(this).scrolltop() <= strickyscrollpos) { $('.stricky').removeclass('stricky-fixed fadeindown animated'); $('.stricky').addclass('slidein animated'); } }; } // 8 contactformvalidation function contactformvalidation () { if($('.contact-form').length){ $('.contact-form').each(function () { var cfname = $(this).attr('id'); $('#'+cfname).validate({ // initialize the plugin rules: { name: { required: true }, email: { required: true, email: true }, message: { required: true }, date: { required: true }, category: { required: true }, phone: { required: true }, gender: { required: true }, dateofbirth: { required: true }, subject: { required: true } }, submithandler: function (form) { // sending value with ajax request $.post($(form).attr('action'), $(form).serialize(), function (response) { $(form).parent('div').append(response); $(form).find('input[type="text"]').val(''); $(form).find('input[type="email"]').val(''); $(form).find('textarea').val(''); }); return false; } }); }); } } // 9 selectinput function selectinput () { if ($('.select-input').length) { $('.select-input').selectmenu(); }; } // 10 datepicker function datepicker () { if ($('.date-picker').length) { $('.date-picker').datepicker(); }; } // 11 gmap function gmap () { if ($('.google-map').length) { $('.google-map').each(function () { // getting options from html var mapname = $(this).attr('id'); var maplat = $(this).data('map-lat'); var maplng = $(this).data('map-lng'); var iconpath = $(this).data('icon-path'); var mapzoom = $(this).data('map-zoom'); var maptitle = $(this).data('map-title'); // if zoom not defined the zoom value will be 15; if (!mapzoom) { var mapzoom = 15; }; // init map var map; map = new gmaps({ div: '#'+mapname, scrollwheel: false, lat: maplat, lng: maplng, zoom: mapzoom }); // if icon path setted then show marker if(iconpath) { map.addmarker({ icon: iconpath, lat: maplat, lng: maplng, title: maptitle }); } }); }; } // 12 mobilemenu function mobilemenu () { if ($('.navigation .nav-footer button').length) { $('.navigation .nav-footer button').on('click', function () { $('.navigation .nav-header').slidetoggle(); $('.navigation .nav-header').find('.dropdown').children('a').append(function () { return ''; }); $('.navigation .nav-header .dropdown a button').on('click', function () { $(this).parent().parent().children('ul.submenu').slidetoggle(); return false; }); }); }; } // dom ready function jquery(document).on('ready', function () { (function ($) { // add your functions revolutionslideractiver(); accrodion(); gallerymasonarylayout(); teamcarosule(); counternumberchanger(); testicarosule(); testicarosule1(); contactformvalidation(); selectinput(); datepicker(); gmap(); mobilemenu(); })(jquery); }); // window on load functino jquery(window).on('load', function () { (function ($) { // add your functions })(jquery); }); // window on scroll functino jquery(window).on('scroll', function () { (function ($) { // add your functions stickyheader(); })(jquery); });